GPS is an extremely useful tool for navigating a host of situations. For most people day-to-day, it can be an incredibly important way to ensure that they know how to get to new places, and a lot of people these days just put a GPS device on every time they drive, just in case. It’s true that the technology is constantly evolving, but there are a few tricks you might want to try if you want to get the most out of your GPS. Go ahead and take a look at some of them right now.
Check Elevation
Say you are going for a run. You are, of course, going to be very interested in what the distance of that run is likely to be. But you also need to make sure that you know the elevation because, in practice, that is what is going to make the biggest difference to how tired you get and how much of a workout it is. With GPS, you can check elevation, so this is something that you should make sure you have turned on within the device settings. You might also find it takes some getting used to reading it right, so that is worth learning too.
Geotag Photos
When you take photos abroad or wherever you might be, you might often want to know where you took them when you look back at them in the future. One way to make this a lot easier is using a useful feature of GPS technology, known as geotagging. With this, you can have the place automatically added to the metadata of the photo so that it is always visible when you look into the properties of the file.
Use An Antenna
Most people do not use an antenna, as they are just using the GPS on their phone or a similar device, and they might not have much need for one. But there will also be times when it is really useful to have an antenna, normally in a professional setting where you are using GPS for more formal purposes. In this case, using an antenna can make a world of difference. You might also need to use GPS splitters if you have more than one device to connect to the antenna, so be sure to find one.
Keep Track Of Pets
Finally, here is something for those who are worried about losing their pets. With the use of a GPS collar, you can ensure that you know where they are at all times. It is amazing how much of a benefit this can be, and it is certainly something that you are going to want to think about if you are keen to keep track of your pets on the whole. Great for both cats and dogs, or anything else you might want to keep track of. All in all, this is a great use of GPS.